June 12-13, 2024 - Dubai

2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Sciences & Applied Engineering Technology (ICRMSAET-2024)

Theme: Explore the Recent Advances in Material Sciences & Applied Engineering Technology

About the Conference

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Stay Ahead of The Curve

Find New ways of Thinking

Networking Opportunities


The 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Sciences & Applied Engineering Technology (ICRMSAET-2024) in Dubai, scheduled for June 12-13, 2024, aims to bring together researchers and professionals from around the world to discuss the latest advancements in material sciences and applied engineering technology.

The Recent Advances in Material Sciences & Applied Engineering Technology conference will provide a platform for participants to exchange ideas, present their research findings, and explore innovative strategies and new technologies in the field. Keynote presentations, poster shows, exhibitions, and oral talks will be organized to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration.

By focusing on futuristic advancements in material sciences and applied engineering technology, it aims to address industry needs and foster effective and high-quality collaborations among participants. It offers an opportunity for researchers to showcase their work, network with peers, and contribute to the advancement of the field, stay updated with the latest research trends, and build valuable connections with professionals from diverse backgrounds.

Attending the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Material Sciences & Applied Engineering Technology (ICRMSAET-2024) in Dubai offers several benefits:
  1. Website Visibility: Your organization's presence on the conference website will increase its visibility to the visitors, providing an opportunity to showcase your work, products, and services to a global audience.
  2. Symposiums and Workshops: Engage in thought-provoking symposiums and workshops conducted by experts in the field. These sessions will stimulate discussions, promote knowledge exchange, and offer insights into cutting-edge research and industry trends.
  3. Keynote Sessions: Gain valuable insights from keynote sessions delivered by renowned researchers who are leaders in their respective fields. These sessions provide a unique opportunity to learn from their expertise and stay updated on the latest advancements.
  4. Professional Networking: Expand your professional network by connecting with experts, researchers, and industry professionals attending the conference. Networking opportunities enable you to establish new collaborations, share ideas, and build relationships with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  5. Partnerships and Collaborations: The conference serves as an excellent platform to explore potential partnerships and collaborations. By interacting with participants from different institutions and organizations, you can identify shared interests and opportunities for joint projects or research endeavors.
  6. Publication Opportunities: Accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceeding Book, providing a chance to showcase your research to a wider audience. This publication can enhance the visibility and impact of your work within the scientific community.
  7. Engagement with the Investment Community: The conference offers a platform for the global investment community to connect with stakeholders in the field of material sciences and applied engineering technology. This engagement can lead to valuable collaborations, funding opportunities, and industry partnerships.
  8. Certification: Receive certification from the International Organizing Committee Member (IOCM), which adds credibility to your participation and demonstrates your commitment to professional development and staying abreast of the latest advancements in the field.
  9. Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities: Showcase your products, innovations, and services through exhibitions at the conference. Additionally, explore international sponsorship opportunities to gain exposure and attract potential customers, collaborators, and investors.
Attending the conference can provide a comprehensive range of benefits, including networking opportunities, knowledge acquisition, publication opportunities, and industry visibility, making it a valuable experience for researchers, professionals, and organizations in the field of material sciences and applied engineering technology.

Conference Sessions

Event Speakers

Anastasiou Athanasios

Anastasiou Athanasios

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Maria Ramos Payan

Maria Ramos Payan

University of Seville, Spain

Tieng Hao

Tieng Hao

National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
